I am passionate about Judaism and the Jewish people and I am an ambassador for Encounter's methodology because I have witnessed again and again the value of experiential education.

Sally Gottesman


In 2014, after a seven month sabbat­ical in Israel during which she partic­i­pated in several Encounter programs, Sally joined the Board of Encounter. She is an active lay-leader, writer, and consul­tant in the Jewish commu­nity. Sally is the Co-Founder and Past-Chair of Moving Traditions, and has previ­ously been on the Boards of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York City, the Jewish Funders Network, the American Jewish World Service, and the Jewish Women’s Archive. Sally’s arti­cles on phil­an­thropy, Judaism, femi­nism, and class have been published in a variety of books and news­pa­pers. For nearly two decades, she consulted to not-for-profit orga­ni­za­tions — working first with KPMG Peat Marwick and then with her own firm. Sally served as the first NY/Tri-State Regional Director of the New Israel Fund, and was the first employee of the Israel Women’s Network in Jerusalem. She is also committed to research in Neurofibromatosis (NF-1), is a co-founder of N-TAP (the Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program at Johns Hopkins), and serves on the Board of the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Sally lives on the Upper West Side with her three children. She is a grad­uate of Wellesley College and the Yale School of Management.