I am passionate about Encounter's work because the path to sustainable peace depends on listening to and hearing the narrative of the other; that is the simple but brilliant premise of Encounter.

Phyllis Teicher Goldman


Phyllis partic­i­pated in her first Encounter Program in June 2014. She has dedi­cated both her profes­sional career and volun­teer work to helping nonprofit orga­ni­za­tions thrive. In her current role as a prin­cipal of G&S Consulting, Phyllis helps orga­ni­za­tions achieve sustain­able growth through the imple­men­ta­tion of best prac­tices in devel­op­ment, commu­ni­ca­tions, and gover­nance. Previously, Phyllis was the vice pres­i­dent for external affairs at the American Jewish World Service, and prior to that was the senior devel­op­ment exec­u­tive at the New Israel Fund. She is a former director of the Westchester Holocaust Commission and has also worked in polit­ical fundraising. Phyllis served on the board of direc­tors of the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester, the Jewish Community Center of Mid–Westchester, and many other national and commu­nity-based orga­ni­za­tions. In addi­tion, she was the President of the American Jewish Committee’s Westchester Chapter and has chaired a number of capital campaigns — both at her syna­gogue, Bet Am Shalom in White Plains, and at the Solomon Schechter School. She holds an MA from the Columbia University School of Social Work and a B.A. from New York University.