Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Continuing Education

Encounter offers emerging and executive Jewish leaders opportunities to continue learning and engaging the core issues the heart of the conflict.

Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Communicating in Conflict: Resources

Encounter’s approach to commu­ni­cating in conflict serves as the blue­print for our values. This frame­work is what makes our trips unique, allowing for resilient listening and honest exchange.

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Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

What We’re Reading, Watching & Listening To

Access Encounter’s library of articles, videos, podcasts and other media that help us deepen our understanding of the conflict from a range of perspectives; these include pieces by Encounter’s staff and past participants.

Access Resources
I have an additional narrative in my head which I didn't have prior--that is why I knew it was necessary for me as a communal leader. Debbie Cosgrove Chair, Jewish Women’s Foundation NY
Incredible opportunity to see/hear Israel from another perspective. Anonymous Jewish Communal Executive
Being in some of the actual places most impacted by the conflict with one's actual body, feelings and self along with a cohort of incredibly thoughtful, passionate Jews who know a lot about the conflict and care deeply about Jews, Israel and the conflict itself, allows for an encounter with living history deeper than any panel, essay, sermon, or organizing session ever could. David S. Koffman Assistant Professor of History, Israel & Golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies, York University
The trip forever colors your understanding of the security of Israel… It deepens your knowledge and exposure no matter how much you've read. Angie Atkins Director of Heritage Alumni, Wexner Foundation
I feel much more informed, have (some) first hand understanding and a better grasp on where to go to learn more. This is now an open and discussable topic. Rabbi Tully Harcsztark Principal, SAR High School