Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Continuing Education

Encounter offers emerging and executive Jewish leaders opportunities to continue learning and engaging the core issues the heart of the conflict.

Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Communicating in Conflict: Resources

Encounter’s approach to commu­ni­cating in conflict serves as the blue­print for our values. This frame­work is what makes our trips unique, allowing for resilient listening and honest exchange.

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Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

What We’re Reading, Watching & Listening To

Access Encounter’s library of articles, videos, podcasts and other media that help us deepen our understanding of the conflict from a range of perspectives; these include pieces by Encounter’s staff and past participants.

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Encounter reinforced that certainty is not our friend if we are going to be drivers of peace. We need more questions than answers, more curiosity than certainty. Elana Kahn Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Incredibly eye-opening, educational. It offers Jewish communal leaders a unique opportunity to get unfiltered facts about the current conditions. Deborah Lauter Executive Director, NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes
The Encounter experience was such a powerful reminder of the importance of face-to-face interaction. After listening to and learning from actual Palestinian human beings, it’s impossible to revert to grand pronouncements about ‘the Palestinians’ as an undifferentiated, homogenous collective: They’re just as complex, multi-dimensional, thoughtful, and fallible as the rest of us. What a gift to be reminded of that elusive truth in this era of insidious generalizations. Aaron Dorfman President, Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah
It's essential for Jewish leaders. Rabbi Sharon Brous Senior/Founding Rabbi, IKAR
Incredible opportunity to see/hear Israel from another perspective. Anonymous Jewish Communal Executive