Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Our Programs

Encounter’s educational programs equip Jewish leaders with a more textured understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Participants return with a renewed commitment to engaging with perspectives entirely different from their own, and a dedication to leading new conversations in their communities. Through our Immersive and Continuing Education programs, Encounter is building the capacity of the Jewish people to confront the complexities of Israeli-Palestinian issues and lead in new ways. For a complete list of our upcoming programs click here.

Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Immersive Education

Our programs offer Jewish leaders’ an opportunity to augment their understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Encounter’s Immersive Education programs invite Jewish influencers to visit the West Bank and East Jerusalem to meet Palestinian civil society leaders with a diverse cohort of their peers.

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Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Continuing Education

Encounter convenes open, honest and uncensored discussion on issues at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our continuing education programming offers Jewish leaders opportunities for ongoing learning through encounters with Palestinians and thought leaders on the conflict. Tailored programming for past participants provides a platform to leverage their membership in Encounter’s wider community, accessing a network of thoughtful peers to serve as thought partners and exchanging best prac­tices with colleagues.

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It offered me a way to stretch myself and face uncomfortable realities in a way that I often (whether consciously or not) tend to avoid doing. Specifically, it reinforced the urgency and centrality of the conflict within the array of issues, causes, and experiences through I which I relate to the State of Israel. At the same time, it connected me to an incredible network of passionate Jewish leaders who now share the same powerful and unsettling experience. Rabbi Avraham Bronstein Rabbi, The Hampton Synagogue
I appreciated the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the conflict without being told what I should think or what I should do about it. Instead, I was given a diverse community of colleagues with whom I could debrief and figure out for myself how to incorporate what I had encountered into my leadership. Miriam Heller Stern Director, School of Education, Jewish Institute of Religion, Hebrew Union College
I have an additional narrative in my head which I didn't have prior--that is why I knew it was necessary for me as a communal leader. Debbie Cosgrove Chair, Jewish Women’s Foundation NY
I feel more engaged [after the Encounter program]. When I read news stories or hear personal narratives about the conflict, I feel like I have the tools to respond. I'm more sensitive to the challenges that Palestinians face, though I retain skepticism for any simplistic solutions to the conflict. Rabbi Joshua Heller Senior Rabbi, B'nai Torah, Sandy Springs, Georgia
This is an intense trip that quickly immerses you in narratives of Palestinians that are mostly hidden to Jews living in Israel. You will have access to unvarnished insights that will deepen your understanding of the Palestinian narrative and broaden your understanding of the conflict. You will have the chance to ask hard questions and to struggle deeply with colleagues about the challenges you witness. All of this in a deeply supportive environment. Rabbi Elliott Tepperman Rabbi, Bnai Keshet, New Jersey