I appreciated the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the conflict without being told what I should think or what I should do about it. Instead, I was given a diverse community of colleagues with whom I could debrief and figure out for myself how to incorporate what I had encountered into my leadership.
Miriam Heller Stern
Director, School of Education, Jewish Institute of Religion, Hebrew Union College
Encounter's value is being one of a kind in creating a thoughtful, safe space [and a] responsible and diverse cohort of inspiring colleagues who can support each other in engaging the conflict in our communities. It offers Jewish leaders access to the voices we want to be talking to and with and about from the other side of the messiest, most personal global conflict we are in some way all a part of. It softens our ears and hearts even while dogmatically resisting specific political solutions or pat answers.
Rabbi Steven Exler
Senior Rabbi, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
I feel more engaged [after the Encounter program]. When I read news stories or hear personal narratives about the conflict, I feel like I have the tools to respond. I'm more sensitive to the challenges that Palestinians face, though I retain skepticism for any simplistic solutions to the conflict.
Rabbi Joshua Heller
Senior Rabbi, B'nai Torah, Sandy Springs, Georgia
So important to put faces and images to labels we read about. So important to humanize those often pitted as our enemies. So important to do so with Jews in a context of Ahavat Yisrael.
Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
Senior Rabbi, Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel
The value [of the program] is massive. The exposure to different points of view and its very organized well thought out meaningful way is very powerful and life-changing.
Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman
Associate Rabbi, Temple Beth El, Boca Raton