The value [of the program] is massive. The exposure to different points of view and its very organized well thought out meaningful way is very powerful and life-changing.
Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman
Associate Rabbi, Temple Beth El, Boca Raton
It's a powerful and necessary experience.
Lindsey B. Mintz
Executive Director, Indianapolis JCRC
I feel much more informed, have (some) first hand understanding and a better grasp on where to go to learn more. This is now an open and discussable topic.
Rabbi Tully Harcsztark
Head of School, SAR High School
I feel much more informed, have (some) first hand understanding and a better grasp on where to go to learn more. This is now an open and discussable topic.
Rabbi Tully Harcsztark
Principal, SAR High School
Incredibly eye-opening, educational. It offers Jewish communal leaders a unique opportunity to get unfiltered facts about the current conditions.
Deborah Lauter
Executive Director, NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes