Resources & What We're Reading, Watching & Listening To

Gaza is Burning
Leah Solomon, The Times of IsraelIt is unbearably, oppressively hot here in Jerusalem, as it has been for weeks. And there is no end in sight: the forecast calls for highs of 90-95 F every day for the foreseeable future. It makes me cranky, frustrated, and exhausted. I am far more impatient than usual, quicker to snap at my kids, more easily provoked.
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Why It Matters
Council on Foreign RelationsA growing body of research suggests that standard peace and security processes routinely overlook a critical strategy that could reduce conflict and advance stability: the inclusion of women.
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Yom Yerushalayim: The messiah’s donkey and its dung
Ethan Tucker, The Times of IsraelFor the 50th time, we are marking the 28th of Iyyar as Yom Herut Yerushalayim, the day when the Old City of Jerusalem, the eastern parts of the city and all of the territory of Yehudah, Shomron, the Golan Heights (and Gaza and Sinai) came under Israeli control.
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Our Pain is Not Lessened By Remembering the Suffering of Others
Leah Solomon, The Times of IsraelI remember my shock upon the birth of my firstborn, when, staring at the tiny creature still covered in gunk, one of my first thoughts was “oh, God, this baby will be drafted to the army one day.”
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Conflict Transformation
John Paul Lederach, Beyond IntractabilityI have been using the phrase “conflict transformation” since the late 1980s. I remember that timeframe because it came on the heels of intensive experience in Central America. When I arrived there my teaching vocabulary was filled with the terminology of conflict resolution and management. But I soon found that many of my Latin colleagues had questions, concerns, even suspicions about what such concepts meant.
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