If ever there is going to be peace between Israelis and Palestinians there needs to be a greater understanding between the two peoples and Encounter has won my heart and devotion because it works to foster that understanding.

Martin I. Bresler

Martin is the imme­diate past Chair of Americans for Peace Now, and currently a member of the Boards of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the American Friends of the Yitzhak Rabin Center. For many years he was actively involved with The American Jewish Committee, serving as President of the New York Chapter, as a member of the National Board of Governors, as a National Vice President, and on many commit­tees and boards. He also served for many years on the Board of the Park East Day School in New York City.

Martin earned a busi­ness degree from City College of New York (Baruch School) and a law degree from Harvard Law School. He was a corpo­rate lawyer for almost 40 years, the last 16  as a partner at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan. He and his wife of 54 years have two daugh­ters, five grand­chil­dren, and two grand-dogs. He has trav­eled to Israel perhaps twenty times since his first visit there in 1957 — both on orga­ni­za­tional busi­ness and to visit with his many family members living there.